Home 1. How we Perceive


May 17th


The 4MAT® Model explains learning in terms of the ways people perceive and process information.


Human perception–the ways people take in new information–occurs in an infinite variety of ways, all of which range between experience and conceptualization.

Experience–Perception by personal engagement–sensations, emotions, physical memories; the immediate; the self. Being in it.

Conceptualization–The translation of experience in conceptual forms–ideas, language, hierarchies, naming systems. An abstract approach to learning. Being apart from it.

The interplay between the “feeling” of experience and the “thinking” of conceptualization is crucial to the learning process. It connects the personal values and perceptions of students to those of expert learners.


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441 W. Bonner Road, Wauconda, Illinois (800) 822-4MAT